Let's face it, not everyone can create masterpieces like Michelangelo. Even then, there are products, labels, and advertisements out there that won't require you to be a genius to understand that they are a complete and utter "fail." To be fair, some simply suffer from bad placement. However, some are so bad that you start to wonder if the guy who approved them is still employed.
Below are a few images that exactly portray what we are talking about:

Just think of it as saving space. Why make a separate bathroom when you can just install one right there in the waiting room? Some may say that the idea is genius until they realize how ridiculous this is. Well, we can't complain. It has given us a good laugh!

Well, the logo is nicely placed. It just happens that the letter "F" doesn't go well with "Art." Clearly they were going for a college-level art student instead of a pro. While it looks colorful, it also looks ridiculous.

Is there a way to copy and paste this to a browser? Input a wrong character and your head will surely implode! We hope they weren’t paying per word (or per line).

Introducing the new extreme sport - biking and parkour combined. A moment’s distraction is all it takes to end your career in both. If you slip, aim for the green murky water to break your fall.

What can we say, it's the new version of smart electronics. Can’t imagine which electrician thought this was a good idea. Maybe the guy was afraid of elevators? And being alive?

It probably has a fine text on the manual that says "only use on a flat and solid surface." No use crying over spilled daiquiri, especially in your ’50s era bathtub. Maybe next time choose a clear drink so you don’t get a lime green ring around the tub.

Hmmm... is there a glitch in the matrix? That’s what happens when you pit engineers against architects. The clash makes everyone with OCD shudder at the thought.

If you are aged 31 to 34, then you don't officially exist to us. This is why you should re-read anything you copy and paste online. Good thing nobody over the age of 50 exists anymore.

They say that "child" tastes like chicken. Child rib just brings a chill to our collective spine. But at least they serve mediocre domestic beer as well.

I don't see what's wrong with this picture. It says that the right lane will simply feature a curvy road ahead. So be aware that you need to take a right and then a left. Did your head explode reading that?