The practice of yoga is designed to bring out a higher state of being. It’s what you do when you are looking for transcendence. Simply put, yoga helps you relax and get in touch with your inner self. There is no doubt that an ice cold bottle of beer after an hour of yoga will always top what was already a great day. But, what if we told you that you won’t have to wait until you are done to enjoy your beer? Yes, you can do yoga while you savor your favorite cold beer at the same time. Sounds like a thing only crazy people would do, I mean, don’t they say that when you are meditating, you don’t need any distractions?
Well, they are right and that’s why in this case we are looking at beer not as a distraction, but part of the tools you’d need to do yoga. Beer yoga started in Berlin and now it’s in Australia, a country where the relationship between people and beer borders on the religious. Australians love yoga and beer so imagine taking these two and putting them together. If we didn’t know better, we’d say they just invented a new fad. Kidding aside, beer yoga as a concept has been gaining some traction and in Germany where it all started, it’s simply an attempt to merge two things people love. The website that has been pushing beer yoga says that both yoga and beer are therapies that have been used to restore the mind, body, and the soul for centuries.

I’m sure most people who are seeing this for the first time would say, wow! Finally, yoga gets a remake. It’s now easier and more fun! While to some extent they may be right, what should be known about beer yoga is that while the beer is now part of the process, the philosophy of yoga and doing it accordingly are still held in high regard. Beer yoga was founded by Yogi Jhula but it’s not really the first time the idea of MUI (Meditating Under the Influence) has come to light. Jhula himself said that he saw the first concept of beer yoga during Burning Man, an American Culture Festival. Origins aside, there is no doubt that beer yoga is now a thing and it’s starting to raise some eyebrows.

In Sydney, for example, students have been invited to a yoga event with beer where they will learn the techniques of meditation using beer and beer bottles. One of the must-see events will be balancing a beer bottle on one’s head. For a bunch of newbies, two things will happen; they will either balance the bottles on their head or they will smash them on the ground. Either way, it will all be in the spirit of fun. After all, the organizers of the Sydney event say the only thing you need to be part of it is just the love for beer and no experience in yoga is needed.